So there's this physicist from Italy, one Ruggero Santilli, who recently made a rather jaw-dropping announcement: he and his company Thunder Energies (based in Tarpon Springs, Florida) have perfected a special telescope that allows "Dark Matter" to be viewed and photographed.
Now, this in itself, if true, is a pretty big deal. And Santilli, though viewed by many as a bit fringey, is a "real" scientist with a considerable cv and pedigree; he's been published in reputable scientific journals, won legit awards, etc. So when I heard about this awhile back, my interest was piqued and I've been keenly watching their progress.
But then something happened that Santilli hadn't predicted: his telescope started picking up strange invisible things right here on Earth. Things that did not appear on the conventional telescope placed side by side with the Santilli telescope. They seem to behave intelligently yet also mechanically, says Santilli, and for lack of a better term, he calls them "Invisible Terrestrial Entities".
Cue Lovecraftian music.
The photograph above, taken by Dr. Santilli from room 775 of the Vinoy Renaissance Hotel in St. Petersburg, purports to show one of these entities as viewed in time-lapse moving in the sky above Tampa Bay. The photo below, taken on January 16 in a scan of the western night sky from Tarpon Springs, shows a different-looking but equally puzzling phenomena. The object vanished from view soon after sighted. (You can read the whole story in a PDF press release here.)
And still more images have been produced by Santilli and Thunder Energies, although they're of a more squidgy nature and not terribly edifying. They look like they could be anything, anywhere, really. But they are interesting, and I am interested.
How does this thing work? Apparently by way of a postulated anti-matter-world version of light. Let the professor explain:
"Since matter and antimatter annihilate at contact into light, as a condition for its existence at the classical macroscopic level, antimatter must have all characteristics opposite to those of matter. For instance, matter-light has a positive index of refraction while, as a condition for its existence, antimatter-light must have a negative index of refraction.Consequently, the focusing of images of matter-light require convex lenses as occurring in the Galileo telescopes, while the focusing of images of antimatter-light requires concave lenses, as occurring in Santilli telescopes.
The above features imply that none of the refractive Galileo-type telescopes existing on Earth or in space can detect antimatter-light because they are all based on convex lenses.
Similarly, we will never see images of antimatter-light with our naked eyes because our cornea is convex, and as such, it disperses images of antimatter-light all over our retina. The sole possibility to detect images of antimatter-light is via images on a digital or film camera."
I dunno.
I am planning to make a drive up to Tarpon Springs sometime soon and drop into Thunder headquarters and see this gizmo for myself. I'll send you a copy of the report.